Saturday, March 10, 2012

Drapey Tees

I'm super slow when it comes to writing posts about the things I've sewn. My first stumbling block is usually taking the photos. I wish I had a paparazzo following me around all day - but a kind one who only shoots complimentary photos of me without me noticing it one bit and then sends me a professionally edited selection via e-mail. Wouldn't that be handy? But, alas, it isn't so. Instead I usually have to drag my boyfriend into our courtyard and perform quick wardrobe changes in the hallway of our building because I have about ten things to photograph which I have neglected for weeks and months.

The outfit photos in this post were shot under similar circumstances only many, many months ago when it was still reasonably warm in Vienna. I'm wearing two versions of the Onion 5035 pattern with my retro self-drafted jeans. I bought a second-hand serger last summer and then started experimenting wildly with stretch fabric. These shirts are some of the results. The green shirt is true to the pattern except for a minor FBA. I don't wear it much because I think it's a little tight, I don't like how I handled the hems and I don't like the fabric much either. It's become more of a lounge-around-the-house tee.

The purple shirt I like a lot more. I made it with a much silkier and flowier jersey, which seems much better suited to the pattern and I also altered the pattern to make the neckline drape deeper. I think this shirt is a lot more flattering on me and I get quite a lot of wear out of it. Might even make myself some more.

So, there you have it: a post about something I have actually sewn. Phew! (Patting myself on shoulder). There is more in stock where these came from & a new mega photo shoot is planned soon! Brace yourselves :)


  1. great t-shirts! And I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who has problems taking photographs. I like your idea of paparazzi/photo editor, if you ever find one let me know :)

  2. Haha, that's so true with the photos! I even struggle now to find a decent place in the flat without too much background noise (read: mess), and mostly do the photos myself... that means I normally take ten for every one good!

    Flattering tees. I wouldn't say the green look that tight, but it's all about how one feel. I'm looking forward to the megaphotoshoot!

  3. Super Idee , das mit dem Paparazzo ! Hätt ich auch gern für die MMM Fotos ;) Ich mag übrigens das grüne Shirt sehr viel lieber , weil es Deinen wunderbar weiblichen Kurven viel mehr schmeichelt
    Liebe Grüsse Dodo

  4. Funny, I like the blue grey one the best, but they are both great, practical tops that will mix well in your wardrobe.

  5. I have sewn several Onion patterns and have found them simple and nicely shaped. I use the English versions. The instructions are very basic but adequate. I also made one of their coats- and drafted my own lining using the jacket pattern pieces.
    Like Gail, I also like the blue grey!


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