Saturday, February 6, 2010

Kreativ Blogger Award

Recently I received the Kreativ Blogger Award from both Carolyn at Handmade by Carolyn and Rachel at Boo Dogg and Me. Thank you both very much. So, let me share the 7 things you most likely didn't know about me...

1) I’m addicted to watching Columbo. I mean I’m really addicted. I’ve probably watched each episode at least five times and that’s only counting last year. Columbo is an excellent companion during sewing hours and of these there are plenty.

      2) When I was going to primary school in the early nineties my mother made me wear lace detachable collars for special occasions and I hated them. We didn’t have a lot of money when I was growing up and apparently a lace collar attached to any day dress will turn that dress into a formal occasion dress. I still find this logic dodgy but I have to say that my love for Vintage styles has put lace collars back on my mind. So maybe my mother had a point after all.
        3) I’ve been learning Russian for many, many years. First in university and now only as a hobby. I’m a bit of a Slavophile, besides being even more of an Anglophile, and hope I will be able to speak Russian with effortless fluency one day. So, you Russian readers out there (if there are any) feel free to comment on my blog in Russian any time. Спасибо.

        4) I loved dressing up for carnival as a kid. All of my costumes were styled by my mother and a lot of them were also sewn by her, while my father occasionally made matching accessories. As you can see my costumes weren’t always the most politically correct, but this was back in the late eighties and early nineties, so nobody really cared.


          5) I'm not a particularly athletic person, but I do love riding my bicycle around town, going swimming in the summer and iceskating in the winter. I also love going for long hikes in the countryside, but unfortunately I don't go hiking as much as I wish I did.   

          6) I'm an avid reader of biographies of obscure (and not so obscure) women (writers mostly). I just love reading about women's lives. My favorites include biographies of Anna Akhmatova, Anais Nin (very entertaining!), Isadora Duncan, Sylvia Beach, Anne Sexton and Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

          7) Like most Viennese I love a good cup of coffee, but to be sensible I limit myself to a maximum of two cups a day. I probably couldn't handle more anyways.

          Since most bloggers I read seem to have received this award already from someone else, I'm only passing it on to four other bloggers:
          • Frk. Bustad from Norway, who makes adorable clothes out of very funky and colorful fabric. She writes in Norwegian but always provides English translations.  
          • Jodi from Jodi is feeling creative, who has just entered a lovely dress into the BurdStyle red-and-pink contest.
          • Julia from the House of Maramalade, who has amazing corsetry skills and has just completed her first self-drafted corset, which is very impressive.
          • Lily from The House of Mirth, who drafts and sews beautiful, unique and inspiring garments. She also entered the red-and-pink contest with an amazing dress.


          1. Columbo totally rocks! I am currently working my way through the second season.

          2. Thanks so much for the award! I am also totally obsessed with Columbo. How awesome is it??? I also love Inspector Gadget, solely for its Columbo allusions.

            You look so gorgeous in your costumes!

          3. Very cute photos!
            It was very interesting to read your list, thankyou for writing about yourself.

          4. Congrats on the award. I say "Oh, by the way" one heck of a lot because of Columbo.....

          5. LOL...My husband and I were on a Columbo kick last year, and we went to the library and got every seasons episodes and all his movies!!! YES... HURRAY! They are wonderful!

          6. Thanks so much for the nomination... I'm a bit silly when it comes to awards like this: I don't deserve it, because I won't post it, but I really appreciate you nominating me!

          7. Also try the diary of Marie Bashkirtsev. It's got even more energy than Isadora Duncan's autobiography!

            The biography of Marie Stopes is worth a read. I am profoundly grateful for her legacy, but my God the woman was bonkers.

          8. I changed my mind, and posted after all... Me just being silly ;)


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