Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sweater Refashion

Last Saturday night I was too tired to go out and instead preferred to stay home and sew. I wanted to start on my next project but had no suitable fabric at home for a muslin. I was close to cutting up one of my bedsheets, when I found a sweater to cut up and refashion instead. I have far too many clothes in my wardrobe that fall into the only-good-for-wearing-at-home category and the pile is growing steadily. I've been wanting to turn some of these clothes into wearable items for quite some time now but never got around to it.

The sweater I decided to cut up and refashion was a wide, v-necked, gray and dull, but good quality wool sweater. First I sewed the sweater into a more flattering fit at the sides and along the sleeves and then I cut out the neckline, drafted a peter pan collar and made some matching cuffs. The farbic I used was just some left-over fabric I had lying around. I made a skirt out of this fabric a long time ago which I never ended up hemming, but I suppose if I felt like it I could hem the skirt and then wear them as a combo - No, don't think so.

I worked in a really sloppy and unorderly manner on this refashion and wasn't my usual careful and perfectionist self, but I think it turned out well despite the chaos. It was nice working like this; just brutally cutting into things, sloppily drawing a collar and sewing it all together in a frenzy while singing and listening to loud music. I should try this more often.


  1. It doesn't looks sloppy from the pics! I love this! Such a great idea to add a little fun to a blah sweater.

  2. What a wonderful 'new' sweater you now have to wear!!! I just found your blog, and I am so glad to see you have imagination! I laughed when you said you almost cut up your bedsheet! You are a true seamstress when you just HAVE TO HAVE something to sew. I look forward to your other creations!

  3. I understand about "almost cutting your bedsheet" too!!! The times I've grabbed something, anything, thinking about cutting it up for a muslin... Your sweater looks good and you're right, it is fun to do something less than perfectly every once in a while, and especially when it turns out looking as good as yours has!

  4. Lovely result, doesn't look sloppy at all. It can be such fun just to do something like this with your favorite music loud and not being t0o precise. I don't do it often enough.

  5. Great refashion and like the use of a peter pan collar and cuffs.

  6. That's such a good idea. It looks great and would be simple to do when you need a sewing fix.

  7. I totally adore your new sweater! It looks lovely on you.

  8. Isn't it so wonderful when you can just whip something up with relatively little effort! haha that doesn't happen to me very often!

    I'm not very good with refashioning stuff... not quite sure why I joined Wardrobe Refashion... so I am very impressed with your jumper! I've also just finished a jumper refashion. It's nice, although I dyed it "black" (spent about $40 on dye), but it didn't work and it's now a shade of green (it's actually a really nice colour) but there are splotchy bits of dye on the back... so I'm not sure if I want to wear it. Anyway I'll take photos of it this week and you can tell me what you think :)

  9. Wow, great job- and I love the stripey collar! I desperately need to refashion some of my own "only fit for wearing round the house" clothes, and your sweater is an inspiration...
    I hear you on the bed sheet thing too...


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