Monday, January 27, 2014

Kritzendorf - Fabric Shopping for the Seriously Addicted

When I visited my family and friends in Austria over Christmas, my visit had to include an obligatory trip to the craziest fabric shop I have ever come across: it's a place called Textil Müller located just outside Vienna.

You shop with a shopping trolley. When you find something you like,
 you put it in your trolley to be cut for you at the till.

Let me tell you, this place is unbelievable! It is essentially a two-storey warehouse type building stocked to the brim not only with fabric, but also haberdashery and an array of very weird miscellanea, ranging from wall calendars from 1995 to old cassettes to strange home dec articles, you would never find anywhere else. 

I think most of their stock comes from other companies' dead stock. You never know what this shop will have and cannot rely on finding a certain fabric or haberdashery item you are looking for. 

This section is zips and belt buckles only.

The shop really is in stark contrast to my last post on ethical fabric from Offset Warehouse. Whereas Offset Warehouse knows where their fabric comes from, it would be utterly futile to ask the staff at this shop under what conditions their fabric has been produced, let alone to ask them what it is made of. 

However, I do believe that a lot of the fabric they have is dead stock,which is essentially unwanted and would otherwise end up in a landfill. But I don't know if this is true of all their fabric. So, strictly ethical shoppers, stay out!

I leave you with a whole array of photo impressions of three (!) hours spent in this place.

Buttons, junk, etc.
More buttons and ribbons, etc.
And even more buttons....
More fabric...
...and more fabric...
Me pulling out some fabric...

If you are serious about your sewing and fabric addiction, no trip to Vienna would be complete without a visit to Textil Müller in Kritzendorf. It's only about a 20 minute ride by train from Vienna and absolutely worth the trip. Take it from a fellow addict ;)

Above is our shopping trolley, filled with fabric, ribbons, and lots and lots of bra-making supplies. 
