Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Year in Indie Patterns: Islander Sewing Systems and Cake Patterns

I’m back and finally rested from my little vacation back home, where lots of time was spent with friends and family, which left no time at all for blogging. But there are still plenty of news and stuff waiting to be shared with you.

First off, what’s happening with A Year in Indie Patterns? Most importantly, I’m still testing!

January has me testing Islander Sewing Systems, which I discovered through an absolutely excellent and worthwhile Craftsy class I signed up for in autumn: Garment Industry Secrets.

Source: Craftsy

Now I’m cheating a bit since my testing was all done pre-Christmas, but for obvious reasons just couldn’t be shared until after Christmas. 

So, you’ll see a review of mine and some project photos here at the end of the month and I really encourage you to try their patterns, or even the Craftsy class, and share your experience.

Don’t forget you can always pin your “A Year in Indie Patterns”-related makes to the “A Year in Indie Patterns” Pinterest board. Just drop me a line in the comments or via e-mail and I’ll add you as a pinner to the board.

Trying to start the year off a little more organized, I have also already settled on a pattern company to test for February – and, guys, it’s not even February yet (big pat on the back).

I’m testing Cake Patterns!

Source: SewingCake on Etsy

I’m sure you have all heard of them already via Stephanie’s blog 3 Hours Past the Edge of the World and through other interweb-ular ways.

Ever since the first pattern Tiramisu came out, which I bought in the pre-sale, I’ve been intrigued by the sizing of these patterns, which seem particularly suited to the bigger-busted. 

Tiramisu on Etsy

Is there really a way of solving, or at least alleviating, the eternal FBA situation? Well, I’m about to find out.

I’ll see if I can coax my namesake from Cake Patterns into an interview and perhaps even a give-away. Fingers crossed. I certainly have a ton of questions to ask.

Now, I hope these two pattern companies can inspire some of you to sew along. Even you PDF-averse sewists out there can join in, since both Islander Sewing Systems and Cake Patterns can be bought in the printed format. Happy Days!