This is the second time now that it looked like Intense Debate had deleted all comments to a post and the blogger commenting system was turned back on again instead. Grrrrr!
I googled the problem and came up with this great solution by another blogger: {Tech} IntenseDebate comment system issue with Blogger. Thanks, iSophie!
This happened to all the comments on the MariaDenmark giveaway, but don't worry they have all reappeared. To make Intense Debate work again I had to delete two comments that were entered through the blogger commenting system but re-entered them manually in Intense Debate so they are all there again. Phew!
This should hopefully not happen again since I did what was recommended in the blog post linked to above. If it does, I will have to change to a different commenting system.
Just thought I'd let you know in case you were worried your comments had gotten lost or if you have experienced the same problem on your blog and didn't know what to do.
On a different note, you have one more day to enter the MariaDenmark giveaway!