Sunday, December 4, 2011

Look, I won!

A couple of weeks back Debi hosted a giveaway sponsored by Fancymoon Fabric on her blog and I won it! I got to choose two meters of any of the lovely fabrics in their online shop and although I had originally eyed one of their many pretty florals I ended up settling on a butterfly print.

The description read that "touching this new cool crisp cotton you might think you're handling silk", which sounded so lovely. When it arrived in the mail it was the tiniest of packages because the fabric is truly very lightweight, slippery and sheer like silk. I originally intended to make a dress out of the fabric, but unfortunately the fabric is only 112 cm wide, so two meters won't be enough. I think I'll make a blouse for spring instead but waiting for Christmas hasn't put me in a springy-blouse mood so the sewing has to wait until the weather shows signs of sunlight, flowers, and, well, butterflies again.

Thanks again Debi for hosting the giveaway and thanks Nancy at Fancymoon Fabric for the nice fabric!


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