Saturday, October 15, 2011

Zoe's Re-fashioned Kilt: Passing on the Self-Stitched Love

A little while ago I found a package from Brighton in my mail box containing the very, very first blog give-away I have ever won. Do you remember when Zoe hosted a give-away for her re-fashioned kilt over on her blog? Well, I am now the proud new owner of this very generous gift. Look, the skirt has traveled all the way from Brighton to Vienna:

I really appreciate this give-away (Thanks again, Zoe!) because I think it's a wonderful idea for recycling self-stitched clothing that you know you are not going to wear yourself.

Think about the many, many times we pour hours of work into a sewing project, experiment with a new pattern, a new style and then, when it's all done, realize we will never actually wear what we've just made. Or think about the many things you have sewn and worn but no longer wear, because you are bored with them or don't fit into them anymore. What to do with these clothes?

I have hung onto some self-stitched clothes out of sentimentality, like the very first dress I made all by myself. I have also brutally binned things that were either simply shoddily made, no longer suited my tastes or at some point didn't fit me anymore. I have refashioned some items into new wearables, like this dress that turned into this blouse; and the things I felt could perhaps still be of use to other people I have given to charity.

But I have never ever passed my self-stitched clothes on to friends, family or other self-stitched clothing enthusiasts in the blogosphere. Why? I suppose I've never thought that what I sew is sewn well enough to be appreciated by other people. Also, I make my clothes to my very specific measurements and feel that others may not get any use of my idiosyncratically shaped clothes.

But I really like the experience of getting another stitcher's clothes, being able to see another's self-stitched clothes in reality, see how they are made, look at the details and then, of course, getting some wear out of them myself. It's a lovely experience, which also sort of brings this whole online sewing community in contact with each other beyond the computer screen. 

So, as you can imagine, I'm already wracking my brains to see what I could pass on to someone else. Before I bin my clothes next time I will have a little think and try to convince myself that perhaps someone out there would really appreciate what I have made despite its little flaws and idiosyncrasies. I certainly appreciate my new skirt.

What about you? Do you pass your unwanted self-stitched clothes on to others? And if not what keeps you from doing it?


  1. What keeps me from doing it? I tend to unpick and reuse my duds and lack of a marketplace. Etsy is good for unworn stuff, but I'll often wear something for a while and tire of it.

  2. Oh wow! You look amazing Stephanie! I really enjoyed reading your post and seeing your past sewing endeavours. You should totally try a giveaway in the future if a creation isn't working for you, I'm sure your skills and garment finishing is way better than you give yourself credit for. And if a garment isn't 'perfect' (like that skirt!)?! Who cares!? People love handmade things and the story that would go along with winning a giveaway would make it even more special to them. Thanks for taking the time to do a little photo shoot and for writing this lovely post. Happy sewing and wearing. Zoe xxx

  3. I've ended up giving one me-made dress to a friend. I'd stuck it in a bag with a whole heap of other clothes to take to a charity shop and said she could take a look through for anything she wanted, and one of the things she wanted was the me-made dress.
    most of the other stuff i've made that i've been getting rid of has been unwearable, so i wouldn't give it to anyone!

  4. I love that skirt! You look great in it. How did I miss that on Zoe's blog. The back is to die for! My friends and I are different sizes.Usually, when I tired of an item, I don't want to see it anymore so I tend to donate my no longer loved things to charity shops. Please understand this is rarity as most of what I make I hold onto for a while. But I am in the process of a closet clean out!

  5. Wow, that skirt looks like it was made for you! Zoe did a great job on that one. Congrats on the giveaway!
    I've never given away projects that didn't work out, or never got finished. It's like "why would anyone bother with my mistakes". I'm not so good with redesign either. I tend to just give clothes that doesn't fit to charity shops. Although, seeing Zoe's and The Snug Bug's work inspire me to look more into especially big woolen sweaters becoming lovely cardigans!


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