Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Port Elizabeth in Silk

Working with silk was a first for me so I wanted the project to be as simple as can be. The Port Elizabeth blouse from Goldfinch and Eagle was an obvious choice for this. There are only two pattern pieces to this pattern, a front and a back. The pattern can be downloaded for free on burdastyle.

I absolutely love this pattern for its simplicity and versatility. The blouse is easy and simple to wear, alomst like a t-shirt, sews up like a dream, and uses very little fabric. It's an ideal evening or weekend project to use up some leftover yardage.

The simplicty of the design also makes this an ideal pattern for variations. My Port Elizabeth version has buttons down the back. They are only there for aestehetic reasons since I can easily slip in and out of the blouse without using them.

I also modified the pattern slightly to accommodate for my larger cup size. I made an FBA and added a small bust dart. Additionally, I added tucks at the front and back to cinch the blouse in at the waistline, which looks so much better when you have a large bust.

Both alterations were super easy to do and I now have my very own Port Elizabeth master pattern from which endless variations could spring. Have you tried this pattern yet?


  1. Your blouse is beautiful! I love the colors and can just imagine the feel of the silk. You tweaked that very simple design very nicely!

  2. The blouse looks so lovely! I've been eyeing the Port Elizabeth pattern for a while, but doing an FBA on the pattern has me a little concerned. Would you be able to share a picture of your altered pattern pieces?

  3. It looks great. I love the buttons down the back. The silk must be a dream to wear.
    I've made 5 Port Elizabeth tops. It's one of my favourite patterns.

  4. That's a beautiful make - beautiful in its simplicity. You chose the perfect fabric. Yay, silk! Terrifies me.

  5. Bloody hell, you've moved to Ireland! It must be ages and ages since I last visited you. I'm so sorry. I would DIE in Ireland. I absolutely cannot resist Irish boys and I would be the world's biggest disastrous slut if I lived there. Hahaha.

    Love your fringe, also.

  6. Splendid job, Stephanie! The blouse looks wonderful with the fabric you chose and I love the scalloped edge and the buttons on the back bodice. Very pretty!


  7. I love buttoned back openings, especially if the are only decorative and you don't have to struggle using them! You've made it look so feminine with the print and alterations!

  8. I live in Port Elizabeth, South Africa and was doing a search for a Vogue pattern outlet when I came across your blog this morning! Lovely blouse!


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