Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mormor's Apron

I wanted to share this apron with you which I made last spring as a birthday present for my grandmother. My grandmother is English but has been living in Norway for more than fifty years, so she's offcially my Norwegian grandmother and that's why she's called "Mormor" - the Norwegian word for your grandmother on your mother's side.

My grandmother likes to wear half aprons when she's in the kitchen but unfortunately she's had a bad fall a couple of summers ago, in which her shoulder got dislodged. This damaged some of her nerves and now she has trouble tying knots or doing other delicate things with her left hand. Most aprons, however, can only be put on by tying two strings in a knot. So, I decided to make a special apron for her that was knot-free and hopefully easy enough for her to put on. The apron can be closed in the front and has a long strip of velcro for adjustment.

My grandmother also loves butterflies and all things colorful. She hates black. I don't think I can remember the last time she wore anything black. I doubt if she even owns a black pair of pants. So, the colorful butterfly fabric was an an easy choice and I think she loved it!

Sadly, my grandmother's troubles with her hand have also forced her to stop doing her own needlework. She used to do loads of embroidery and knitting and is an expert in both these fields. I hope the physiotherapy she was recommened to do will help her get better and maybe I can show you some of her brilliant work in a future post some day.


  1. Your family tree must be very interesting!

    What a sweet grand-daughter you are! Yay for creativity. I hope your grandmother's hand improves.

  2. What a sweet and thoughtful gift. And she certainly does look like she enjoys it!

  3. Your grandmother looks very happy with that lovely apron, and I'm sure she is thrilled to have such a thoughtful as well as talented grand-daughter

  4. hehe I also use the books on top of ironing board technique! I'm not quite sure why I'm giving you photographic advice considering I'm the worst in the world, but I also put my camera in a bowl of (uncooked) rice to keep it stable!

    Ahhhh your grandma is English! Is that why your English is so perfect? She looks so nice. And she seems thrilled with her gorgeous apron!

  5. That's a lovely apron and such a sweet picture of mormor wearing it.

  6. Your mormor looks very sweet! I am happy to see you considered her and made her so happy. I do embroidery and crochet and I'd sure hate to lose that ability. Does she have other interests?

  7. What a nice looking lady :) The apron is very cute too.


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