Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fabric from South Africa

My friend went to South Africa for a week for the World Cup and came back with lots of gorgeous fabric for me. I am very lucky to have such a good friend who is willing to lug meters of fabric across continents just to indulge my passion. Look at all the nice things she got me:

She brought me three meters of this gorgeous pink very African-looking fabric, which I definitely want to make into a dress:

She also got me two meters of this orange print with a border pattern. I think the symbols in the border are shields like the Massai shield in the Kenyan flag. I don't know, however, if this particular shield design means anything, or whether it's just a generic shield or whether it's a shield at all.

With this fabric I will need to think of a way to incorporate the border into the design. I think a skirt would be the most obvious choice, but I don't know if that's really what I want to make out of this fabric.

And then (yes, there's more!) she brought me two meters of this striped cotton print, which I'll probably convert into some sort of blouse:

Well, now I only need the time to sew all of these things. It's not going to happen soon, but it will.


  1. I just found your blog. I love it! I love the fabric too!

  2. OOOooo... how exciting! That fabric reminds me of some of the Tory Birch Resort 2011 collection ( So pretty and colourful and unique.

  3. Great friend indeed, and lovely fabric.

  4. Fabulousy exciting!!!! Far better than those noisy trumpet things!

  5. wow they look great! i know how inspired you must feel as i ahve been working with Indian fabrics in the last few months, a rich culture on a print is such a breath of fresh air!

  6. I want a friend like that! The pink fabric is beautiful.

  7. Lucky you! I like them all, but particularly the pink one - it has quite a vintage 50's feel.

  8. Those are really pretty fabrics.

  9. What pretty fabrics!

    Rose in SV

  10. Those fabrics are so beautiful! I especially love the pink one. So vibrant. Can't wait to see what you make up with them...


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