Friday, June 18, 2010


Dear readers,

As you may have noticed it has gone awfully quiet around this blog in the past few weeks. I have not forgotten about this blog but have been isolated in our little family hut in Norway for the past week. I'm here to work on a thesis for university which has been hanging uneasily over my head like the sword of Damocles for quite some time. I needed to give myself some room to write, plenty of fresh air, good food, nice walks and above all peace and quiet. I also have neither sewing machine nor internet at the hut (yes, that's right, no internet, these places still exist, who would have thought?!). So, blogging about sewing is pretty much impossible.

I will be back next week and have a couple of new posts to share with you. Also I will be replying to all your comments when I'm back and will hopefully have some time to read up on all the posts I missed from you.

Happy sewing to all of you and see you next week.


  1. thank you for the lovely picture of Norway!
    Best to you on your thesis.

  2. Best of luck - looks like the perfect place to write a thesis!

  3. Looks like a nice spot of Norway you've found! Good luck with the writing, and hope you come back with lots of sewing energy and inspiration (and a finished thesis!). Best wishes!

  4. Sounds like heaven. Good luck with your writing and just think of all the many hours you can spend catching up on all your favourite blogs when you get back!

  5. I've tagged you in the game of 8 Questions. I hope you will share with us on your blog.

    1) What outfit from a movie would you love to re-create?

    2) Tell us about your sewing spot/room. What is your favorite thing about it?

    3) Where did you learn to sew? Who taught you?

    4) If you could have dinner with one person from the past, who would it be?

    5) What/Who inspires you?

    6) What will always make you laugh?

    7) What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

    8) What is something you would like us to know about you that you have never shared on your blog?


Feel free to leave a comment! (Please do not comment anonymously. You do not need an ID, but please leave a name. Thank you!)